Diagnostic Direct Spirometry Service
The direct diagnostic spirometry (DDS) service performs spirometry with reversibility (if clinically indicated) with the test results interpreted and recommendations for treatment made to the referrer.
Referrals are sent via fax to email to BCHNT.bchrespiratory@nhs.net and following triage, the patient will be allocated an appointment.
Inclusion Criteria
One or more of the following:
- Over 35 years/smoker/ex smoker
- 16 years and over for suspected Asthma diagnosis with relevant symptoms
- Has recurrent respiratory symptoms e.g. cough ,wheeze, shortness of breath.
Exclusion Criteria
One or more of the following:
- chest infection requiring Steroids and/or antibiotics within the past 6 weeks
- haemoptysis of unknown origin
- unstable cardiac conditions i.e. angina or unstable Hypertension recent MI within 3/12
- current TB or infectious disease
- acutely ill or frail
- recent operations in last 3/12 to thoracic, ophthalmic, abdominal, neurosurgery, head or neck
- current pneumothorax, pulmonary embolism, history of haemorrhagic event (stroke) or dissecting unstable aortic aneurysm
- confused and unable to follow a command.