BCHC staff looking at resources



Who's in charge?

A campaign to protect children from harm while in the care of family or carers who have consumed alcohol.

Who's In Charge?

The Who's In Charge? campaign was launched in response to increasing concerns that growing numbers of babies and children are at risk of serious harm because of the way some parents and carers consume alcohol at home.


The campaign asks adults consuming alcohol at home while responsible for children a simple, but potentially life-saving, question – ‘when you drink, who’s in charge?’


It urges parents, and others with responsibility for children, to be aware of a range of potentially dangerous consequences of drinking alcohol while caring for children.


All material © Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, which grants permission for free and appropriate use solely to support the objectives of the  Who's in Charge? campaign.


Please email the BCHC communications team if you have any queries.

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