Team photo


We are BCHC

Vision, Values and Strategy

Setting out what matters most to us as a community healthcare provider and equipping us to meet the needs of all the communities we serve.



Birmingham Community Healthcare (BCHC) has a vision, values and strategy to set out what matters most to us a specialist provider of community healthcare and to equip us to meet the needs of all the communities we serve.


Our five values - developed through very extensive engagement in 2018 and re-affirmed in 2022 - underpin our approach to how we will make our vision a reality, shaping how we work as colleagues and how we deliver care in our communities.


Best Care: Healthy Communities Strategy 2023-2028



Our Vision

Our vision can be summed up as 'Best Care: Healthy Communities'. BCHC exists to provide the Best Care possible to support the people who use our services, many of whom are among the most vulnerable in our society, to live well in Healthy Communities.


This vision is directly linked to the Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board's ten-year strategy


This vision is rooted in the communities we serve and in approach to service delivery based on Birmingham’s five localities of approximately 250,000 people and neighbourhoods of approximately 50,000 people. It commits us to working closely with our local partners to do this successfully. It also recognises the importance of the services we deliver on a Black Country and wider regional footprint to the future success of the trust.



Our Values


Trust Values



We have also worked with our colleagues to establish our our shared values – those values that will guide all our actions and underpin our behaviours as we seek to deliver our vision. The values that our colleagues have together chosen are:

  • caring
  • open
  • respectful
  • responsible
  • inclusive



Our Strategic Objectives 

Our strategic objectives set our direction of travel up to 2028 in achieving our vision.

The three strategic objectives are:

Delivering safe, high quality care

Safe, high quality care graphic Safe, High Quality Care

Work with the people we care for, their families and our partners to ensure equity and excellence in access, experience and outcomes.


We will deliver the best possible care for the patients and service users we serve. They will be treated with kindness, compassion and respect. Our patients and service users are all unique individuals; we will provide personalised care that meets their needs and empowers them as partners and decision makers in their own care.


Everyone who works at BCHC is passionate and committed to delivering outstanding patient care that improves health outcomes, enhances patient safety and experience, and ensures equity of access for all.


We will enable our teams to deliver the best possible care for the patients and service users we serve. Our essential care framework will be core to our work on improving the quality and safety of the care we provide.

Creating a Great Place to Work

Great place to work graphic Create a great place to work and learn, enabling our colleagues to be the best that they can be and to be themselves at work.


The people who work for BCHC are the heart of everything we do. We will ensure that we have enough people with the right skills to provide safe, high quality care and that our people feel valued, listened to, cared for and are able to develop and progress their careers within BCHC.


1. Increasing the capacity of our workforce

We will ensure we have the capacity and capability to sustainably and effectivelydeliver our services and commitments. We will have a strong focus on:

  • recruitment and retention;
  • improving our systems and processes; and
  • supporting health and wellbeing.


2. Developing our culture, so colleagues feel valued, supported, and have a strong voice

We will develop a culture built around our 5 values; they are central to the way we behave and act. We will collaborate across disciplines and organisations and support our colleagues to deliver the best care. Wherever we work we will feel like a team.

We will be a compassionate organisation that cares for our colleagues to support them to care for our patients. We will have a strong focus on:

  • supporting colleagues to have a strong voice in trust decision-making;
  • inclusive leadership.


3. Valuing our diversity, building equality and inclusion into everything we do

We are proud of the diversity of our workforce which we have actively worked to increase in recent years. Diverse teams make better decisions, supporting the safety, quality, equity and effectiveness of care. We have a clear commitment to be an actively anti-racist organisation. We will be an organisation where everyone who works here is treated fairly; where who we are as individuals and how we identify is respected and valued; where we all receive the right support to meet our needs.

Providing integrated care

Integrated care graphic

Work with our communities and partners to support people to live healthy in their communities.

We cannot deliver our vision of Best Care: Healthy Communities alone.
Our ambition is to develop multi-professional and multi-organisational
teams across all disciplines to provide the best care and support for
the people who need our services, as locally as possible.


1. Integrating our services with our partners and communities to deliver seamless multi-professional care, including through the Birmingham Community Integrator

Integration with other health and care partners is fundamental to patients’ overall experience of their care journey and our ability to support people in their own community.


We will:

  • work with health and care partners, to enable more multi-professional workingwith shared pathways and outcomes;
  • ensure equity of access to services and offer bespoke services to communitiesto tackle health inequalities;
  • have a strong focus on the Community Integrator; and
  • strengthen our relationships with our communities through meaningful engagement.


2. Focusing our efforts on deeper integration in our existing communities and footprints

To focus our energies on the communities we serve, we will concentrate on integrating care provision and building relationships with the communities and partners within our existing geographical footprint (our BSol ICS and, for our specialised services, the West Midlands).


3. Addressing the social determinants of health in our communities by using our role as an ‘anchor institution’

Only 20 per cent of being healthy is due to healthcare; the rest is due to the wider social determinants of health (the underlying causes of illness) such as health behaviours, social circumstances and environmental factors. The size and scale of our organisation means we affect the social determinants of health of our local populations, intentionally or not, through our employment practices, spending, buildings, service models and environmental impact. We will be more mindful in our activities and how we allocate resources to positively influence the wider health of our populations.

Central to achieving these strategic objectives is promoting equity. We believe that everyone should have equity in opportunities to access and have a positive experience of care and to achieve good health outcomes, regardless of their socio-economic background or protected characteristics 1. We will work with partners to take a system-wide approach, to reduce inequalities in everything that we do. Equity of opportunity also includes the people who work at BCHC, ensuring that everyone is able to reach their full potential, with no barriers to their career progression.

By fulfilling our strategic objectives, guided by our values, we can achieve our vision.




Our patients and their carers and families are the reason we're here, so we want to hear your views about the Trust and our services.