BCHC staff treating an adult patient


Respiratory Service

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

A  six-week programme, for those diagnosed with a respiratory condition, which aims to increase patients’ ability to perform everyday tasks such as housework or just getting around. 


About our programme



Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is a six-week programme which aims to increase patients’ ability to perform everyday tasks such as housework or just getting around.

Mission statement


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National guidelines state that PR should be considered for all patients that have frequent chest infections, visits to GP or hospital admissions, poor understanding of their condition or poor compliance to medication.


It is a great way to build patients’ confidence getting them out and about, socialising- meeting others with similar limitations in life.


Patients referred to PR must be over 18, have a confirmed diagnosis of a respiratory condition (COPD, chronic asthma, bronchiectasis, ILD) and an MRC score of 3-5. However if they are affected by breathlessness and frequent exacerbations due to poor management or deconditioning an MRC of 2 will be accepted.


Unfortunately we cannot accept patients for ‘work up to surgery’ or recover of lung cancer.


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Please consider if the patient has been optimised on inhaled therapy and referred for Ambulatory 02 Assessment prior to a PR referral if indicated. Respiratory Specialist Nurses and Physiotherapists will make any recommendations for inhaled therapy or 02 Assessments following an initial assessment; however, the PR course will be delayed until the patient is safe to exercise.


Patients will be required to bring their ambulatory 02 Cylinders with them and Salbutamol inhaler to all appointments as we do not have facilities in the community to administer 02 or Salbutamol - unless it is a medical emergency.


Patients will be required to attend two sessions of two hours weekly following a pre-assessment of their suitability for the course and address any needs prior to starting the course.


Patients need to consent to the referral and be motivated to attend all classes to achieve the best possible results. (see Inclusion/exclusion criteria- PR referral form for further guidance.


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PR clinics run in ‘gym-like’ settings of groups up to 16, therefore those that require one-to-one support or have very poor mobility/ communication or cardiac issues, may need PR in the home setting or may not be suitable. We do not currently see patients in their home for PR but can support with home exercise plans and issue written education resources. The BCHC PR service has an interactive web page to support self- guided home exercise plans.


We aim to review patients within three months of receipt of referral and urgent referrals for patients following and infective exacerbation of their respiratory condition or admission will be processed within a month.


Interpreters are available.


Patients will be supported with arranging suitable transport. (NEPT, Ring and Ride, Free Bus Passes, National Healthcare Travel Cost Scheme).


Assessment and Class Locations

New locations and timings from 1 April 2024 will be:

North Locality:

New Oscott Retirement Village, 25 Fosseway Drive, Sutton Coldfield, B23 5LD

Assessments: Monday 09:00 - 13:00

Classes: Monday and Friday 14:00 - 16:00


South Locality:

Cocks Moors Woods Leisure Centre, Kings Heath, B14 6ER

Assessments: Tuesday 14:00 - 17:00

Classes: Monday and Wednesday 14:00 - 16:00


East Locality:

Shard End Community Centre, 170 Packington Avenue, B34 7RD

Assessments: Friday 09:00 - 13:00

Classes: Wednesday and Friday 14:00 - 16:00


West Locality:

St Stephens Centre, 171 Nineveh Rd Handsworth, B21 0SY

Assessments: Tuesday 09:00 - 13:00

Classes: Monday and Thursday 10:00 - 12:00


Central Locality:

Hagley Road Retirement Village, 336 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, B17 8BH

Assessments: Thursday 09:00 - 12:00

Classes: Tuesday and Thursday 14:00 - 16:00


Classes are run by specialist respiratory physiotherapists and healthcare support workers who will support the patients with exercises tailored to their capability with a general progression over 12 sessions (6 weeks) Following an hour of exercise the group will then receive refreshments and a 45 minute talk on various subjects to support self management of their respiratory condition in the community. Subjects include:

  • smoking cessation
  • anatomy and physiology of respiratory system
  • What IS COPD/asthma bronchiectasis/ILD?
  • why it is important to exercise
  • stress and anxiety
  • relaxation techniques
  • managing SOB
  • what to expect from going into hospital
  • energy conservation
  • goal setting
  • medications and self-management plans
  • healthy eating

Above all PR is great fun! Many patients request to come back and report improvements with their breathlessness and confidence with dealing with their respiratory diagnosis. For routine referrals patients can return to PR after 2 years. Patients will be supported to find an appropriate maintenance programmes for patients following PR. If patients should deteriorate, urgent referrals will be considered before 2 years.


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Resource bank


How we breathe


Why it is important to stay active and exercise


Managing symptoms of breathlessness


Pulmonary rehabilitation exercises


Five minute relaxation


How lung disease affects the respiratory system


Our patients and their carers and families are the reason we're here, so we want to hear your views about the Trust and our services.