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Patient Safety Incident Response Framework

PSIR sets out the NHS’ approach to developing and maintaining effective systems and processes for responding to patient safety incidents for the purpose of learning and improving patient safety.

Patient Safety Incident Response Framework

The Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) sets out the NHS’s approach to developing and maintaining effective systems and processes for responding to patient safety incidents for the purpose of learning and improving patient safety.


The PSIRF replaces the Serious Incident Framework (SIF) (2015) and makes no distinction between ‘patient safety incidents’ and ‘Serious Incidents’. As such it removes the ‘Serious Incidents’ classification and the threshold for it.


Instead, the PSIRF promotes a proportionate approach to responding to patient safety incidents by ensuring resources allocated to learning are balanced with those needed to deliver improvement.


PSIRF was introduced in BCHC on the 6th November 2023 and the Patient Safety Incident Response was approved.


Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) [docx]


For further information please contact:
Simon Bates

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