Tell us about your experience
Please tell us about your experience with our ADHD and ASD Teams. We are always reviewing our services to improve the experience of our patients and their families.
Select the link or scan the QR code below that applies to you to open the online survey.
The NDP team really value all your feedback and appreciate the time taken by families in our service. If you are visiting one of the sites attending a clinical appointment you will also be able to fill in a patient feedback card and hand in. You can feedback your comments more than once. The service want to continue to improve our services and learn from the parents/carers and the child or young persons views.
Co-production with families
We are continuing our work with families and, if you would like to be involved in working with the service to review key areas of transformation, please contact the NDP advice line, where you can give your details. We are also looking for feedback regarding the new NDP website so please let us know what you think and if you feel we could enhance or add any further information which would be helpful.
Links coming soon.