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Locomotion Study

Transparency notice for the Locomotion Study.

Locomotion Study: Transparency Notice

The Long COVID Clinic is helping medical research by providing certain information (data) from patients’ medical records to the LOCOMOTION Study (


The LOCOMOTION Study is one of several studies in the UK carrying out research into long COVID.


Ten long COVID Clinics in the UK are taking part in the LOCOMOTION Study and they will be asking patients directly if they would like to be part of it too.


In addition, for some of the work LOCOMOTION is carrying out, we need to get information from the medical records of thousands of patients in the UK, but it would take a very long time to contact every single patient to ask for their permission to do that, and all of our research has to be finished within a certain amount of time.


This happens a lot in health research and there are rules in place that we have to follow to ensure that patient information is kept confidential and secure. We also have to make certain information available to help let patients know that we are using data from medical records for our study and that you can decide not to take part (opt-out) if you do not want your health information used.


The full text document that explains this in more detail is called a ‘ Transparency Notice’ and it provides you with the relevant information, in line with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


Locomotion Study Transparency Notice



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