Supporting BCHC’s Learning Disabilities Services

The Learning Disabilities (LD) Team works across Birmingham to provide healthcare for people with learning disabilities living in the community, with an aim to provide high quality care through multidisciplinary working. The Charity works closely with LD services to help provide the ‘extras’ to support and enhance their work, and during Learning Disabilities Week, we’re taking a look at just a few of the projects funded to make a difference for LD service users.
This years’ theme for LD Week is ‘Do you see me?’ and a fantastic demonstration of how BCHC Charity has supported LD service users to feel seen, heard, and valued is the Happy & Healthy gallery project. In 2018, BCHC Charity was incredibly proud to fund the idea; a photography project aimed to provide positive images of people with both learning and physical disabilities that could be used in waiting areas at the Jaffray Resource Centre. The suggestion came after feedback from service users and carers stated that waiting areas were bare, looked too clinical, and did not reflect the user base utilising the centre. A series of two photography workshops saw clients, carers and staff working with photographer Ming de Nasty to produce beautiful, positive images focussing on the themes of hopes, dreams, and strength. The final framed images not only help to brighten up the environment but also send a heart-warming message about the possibilities that can be achieved when we work together. One service user stated that they appreciated the new gallery as “it made me feel represented”.
As part of the Arts & Culture in Health funding, the Charity also provided arts and crafts supplies to LD services to allow service users to create art for display at centres across the Trust. The first gallery of these works opened at The Greenfields last year, and another is set to open at Jaffray Resource Centre later this week. The galleries feature tapestries, paintings, and photo collages made as part of creative therapy, giving the artists the opportunity to express their thoughts, experiences, and interests.
As well as projects like the Happy & Healthy project and art galleries, BCHC Charity has supported LD services with sensory equipment to help keep patients relaxed and calm. Kingswood Drive is a bedded unit for those with learning disabilities and complex care needs, and the Charity has been able to help provide myriad items to the centre for the benefit of the patients staying there. Sensory equipment such as lighting, tactile toys and equipment, weighted blankets and more help patients to unwind and focus during times of stress or anxiety. Thanks to two donations through Groundwork from local One Stop stores, BCHC Charity funded an ocean wave projector and light refraction panels to enhance the calming environment at the home. Sam Reeves, Senior Clinical Staff Nurse said; “The ocean wave projector makes a very soothing activity for the patients when on bed rest in the afternoons. This is something for them to concentrate on and the noise of the waves, forest, and birds is very relaxing. We are going to invest in one for each bedroom because of the difference that it has made to the patients." Sam added; “The light refraction panels are really enjoyed by the patients; they reflect off the sensory lights and project the colours even further”.
The Charity has also made a commitment to ensuring that outdoor spaces are fit for purpose for the enjoyment of both patients and staff. Volunteer groups from several companies have attended Kingswood & Riverside Lodge with the Charity Team to help with weeding, cleaning and planting at the centres. New garden furniture has also been provided at The Greenfields to enable staff to utilise the space during breaks, and solar garden lighting has been installed at Kingswood to provide a relaxing and beautiful garden space for patients.
As well as these wonderful initiatives, we helped the Intensive Support Team support their patients during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic by providing Stay At Home activity packs for those whose routines and support systems had been severely affected by lockdown protocols, provided self-care items to be given out to staff at LD team wellbeing check-ins, and much more!
As a Charity Team, we want to continue enhancing care for patients with learning disabilities and welcome any new ideas from staff, as well as patients and their carers. We also welcome individuals or companies that want to support our Learning Disabilities services; please contact the Charity Team at