All Aboard For Relaxation!

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on NHS and other healthcare staff across the nation, with many key workers reporting that they feel exhausted or are experiencing burnout. As part of BCHC Charity’s ongoing efforts to support colleague wellbeing, for 2 weeks in March 2022 Team BCHC staff were able to access the Project Wingman mobile wellbeing lounge to boost morale, encourage staff to take a well-deserved break, and access support for their mental health and wellbeing.
Project Wingman Foundation is a wellbeing charity established during the first COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, set up to support frontline healthcare staff using mobile lounges and by delivering wellbeing training. The foundation was the creation of two UK airline Captains and a Clinical Psychologist, who, when flights were grounded due to the pandemic, decided to use their time to support the NHS and healthcare staff who were giving their all to keep our communities healthy and safe.
Thanks to funding from NHS Charities Together in support of colleague wellbeing initiatives, BCHC Charity were able to pay for a 2 week visit from one of the brilliant buses to allow Team BCHC staff to access a calm and relaxing space to take a break, have a hot drink, and pick up some wellbeing boosts such as lip balm and bubble bath. A staff member said they were “happy for a change of scenery, to relax and chat” when visiting the bus for a cup of tea, some biscuits, and to partake in some craft activities. The charity also funded wellbeing experience sessions, delivered on the bus by Maria from Temple Spa, which included soothing hand massages.
Project Wingman wellbeing volunteers and the BCHC OD Team were on hand to offer support and provide resources on the health and wellbeing offers across the Trust. The newest member of the BCHC Charity Team, Arts in Health Co-Ordinator Frank Conlan, was also in attendance to host mindful arts and crafts sessions from the comfort of the mobile lounge. Kim, who popped into the bus lounge during a break, said “Frank was so welcoming and lovely”, and said she felt very relaxed after her visit.
The bus was based at the Birmingham Dental Hospital from 7-11 March and at Moseley Hall Hospital from 14-18 March, with staff from across the city encouraged to pop by for a relaxing break. One member of staff visiting the bus reported that they felt their visit was “a lovely thought for bringing people together” and that they were “refreshed to go back to work” after stopping by the lounge.
BCHC Charity would like to offer their thanks to the volunteers who made the visit from the Project Wingman wellbeing bus such a welcoming, friendly, and calming place for Team BCHC.